File: XTree:\UnMech3\UnMechUpdater Bottom_of_page

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With the rapid development of UnMech, there where issues.
Lots of people wanted to try out this new Unity Rebuild of MechWarrior 3 that a lot of people joined in for a round of Multiplayer.
Every day there was time spend between members about how to install UnMech, what the latest version was, where to get the latest update.

It was time for a change. To write something simple that our community members only needed to point to.
Having experience with self deploying batch scripts before, it was time to write:
This batch script would fetch for the user the latest update and install it. It was even be able to give warnings when there where issues. It is as easy as it sounds.

Early Updater Design

But there where issues, the technology and skill where old-school, using FTP, with a Microsoft FTP client that has been a part of Windows since windows2000. A lot of virus scanners and even Windows Defender was giving issues. A lot of fancy features had to be removed.

  • Creating Shortcut on the desktop, Gone.
  • Attaching a icon to the progress window, Removed.
  • Look up MechWarrior3 installation folder from Registry, Denied.
  • Verification if user is Admin to warn user that batch has no write access to /Program Files, Not possible in Windows:Home

  • But we got it working for most people, a nearly one stop solution to update, if only.. Well let ask Sake906 for some help.
    Now there is a button inside UnMech that starts the Updater and Exits UnMech.
    Triggering updates is now possible from inside the game.
    Writing Updater was a lot of trail and error as it had been a while since i wrote a proper Batch Script.
    While debugging even separate developer branch distribution was added, in-case of future trouble shooting.

    Early UnMech Mechlab

      Development Timeline:

    Mid 2021, UnMechUpdater was created written using old snippets of my previous assets.
      It proved to be sufficient for our current needs.
    End 2022, various users reported issues. This turned out to be Windows Home users and Anti-virus flagging FTP as malicious.
      Solved by rewriting to use use HTTP instead of FTP.
    End 2023, we had some Linux users showing interest in UnMech. This incentivised UnMech development to take Linux into consideration.
      Now that UnMech had a Linux client and server. A updater for Linux was needed.
      Together with the desire to move the Server to Linux. A Complete rewrite was in order.
    Early 2024, UnMechUpdater2 was released for both Windows and Linux.
      At the same time UnMech Game-server migrated to Linux with a new background management panel.

    Since a lot of people still ask about Anti-Virus warnings or stated not to thrust Batch files. This is Totally understandable.
    Note; all Temporary files UnMechUpdater uses are located in '%TMP%\UM3' (C:\Users\'Yourusername'\AppData\Local\Temp\UM3)

    Or if you still have trouble or doubt, use the alternative download (zip) and do the installation manually, it is there for a reason.

        Current Versions...

    Currently UnMechUpdater2 is on Version '200'
    To get the latest version you can download it from


    Last updated 15-06-2024

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