File: XTree:\MechWarrior3\Installing Bottom_of_page

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MechWarrior3 was released in June 1999 and was designed for Windows98. It even ran on Windows95.
To say that today you can run any software from those days on modern hardware with ease would be a straight lie.

But lucky, Microsoft has done it's very best to make Windows Backwards compatible with earlier versions.
As of Windows 10 it has become even easier to run MechWarrior 3 and Pirate's Moon than before.

Note: These walkthroughs have been written for Windows 10 and may also be applicable for Windows 11
Note: If you require downloads check XTree:\Miscellaneous\Links
Note: Read from Left to Right, Top to bottom. (Had to be said)

  |ISO/CD installation
  |  |MW3 Installation
  |  |MW3 v1.2 Patch
  |  |MW3:PM Installation
  |Rip installation
  |  |ZipperFixup
  |  |dgVooDoo2
  |  |Freako's Mods

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ISO/CD method:

MechWarrior 3

Insert the MechWarrior 3 CD or mount your ISO, then run setup

You can double click the CD-ROM
or navigate to SETUP.EXE


The setup process will look like this:


(The following images will only show the navigation menu)

Here is the 'License agreement' and the confirmation.

<Accept Terms>


After accepting, you get to choose installation location
It is highly recommend to NOT install it into the following folders or sub-folders of them
 C:\Program files
 C:\Program files (x86)

Recommended is the default;

OR, example given;




We will race through the following

 Pick [Typical] option
 <Next> or go <Back> and pick [CUSTOM] for customization of this

Installation in Progress
 <Yes> or <No> to your personal preference

 <Never Register>
 Untick both options and <Finish>

We are now finished with the CD Installation
Next you should patch the game to v1.2


ISO/CD method:

v1.2 Patch

Run the mw3v12.exe

The patch process will look like this:


(The following images will only show the navigation menu)

It is required here to have CD/ISO for MechWarrior 3 inserted/mounted

(If the menu does not continue, check if your CD/ISO is loaded)


The Patch is now applied.

You will have noticed the patch did NOT ask for the location of the game.
During the CD/ISO installation the installer will have recorded the installation location to the windows registry.
So the patch will use this registry information to apply the patch to that location.

Should you have multiple installations of MechWarrior3, please be aware of this as you can't change the patch's location.
It will always be to the location used in the latest installation process.


ISO/CD method:

MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon

Insert the MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon CD or mount your ISO, then run setup

You can double click the CD-ROM
or navigate to SETUP.EXE


The setup process will look like this:


Verifying ownership of 'MechWarrior3'
  Pirate's Moon was a Expantion Pack and required you to own 'MechWarrior 3'
It is required here to swap out the CD/ISO for MechWarrior 3


MechWarrior3 CD/ISO needs to be on the same drive letter as where PM installation was started.

This means you can not have both CD/ISO loaded at the same time.

Back to Pirate's Moon installation disk
It is required here to swap out the CD/ISO for Pirate's Moon


NOTE: It has been noticed that on occasion the process does not see the CD/ISO being swaped back to Pirate's Moon.
It is therefore recommended to at least try <Next> multiple times (20x) before giving up.

Here is the 'License agreement' and the confirmation.

<Accept Terms>


After accepting, you get to choose installation location
It is highly recommend to NOT install it into the following folders or sub-folders of them
 C:\Program files
 C:\Program files (x86)

Recommended is the default;

OR, example given;




We will race through the following

 Pick [Typical] option
 <Next> or go <Back> and pick [CUSTOM] for customization of this

 <Never Register>
 <Yes> or <No>
 Untick both options and <Finish>

Pirate's Moon is now installed.
There are no official patches for Pirate's Moon so you are now ready to go.
Do check out the mod's section!


RIP installations:

MechWarrior 3

Various RIPS exist: To be added

RIP installations:

MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon

Lorem ipsum




ZipperFixup works on both MechWarrior3 and Pirate's Moon installations
  Note: MechWarrior 3 needs to be updated to v1.2

ZipperFixup edits the executable in a way that removes a timing limitation from the game.
It can't directly touch the file without Windows/Anti-virus software throwing a fit so it reads the original and then writes a edited copy.
If you want to use MW3 and MW3:PM without issue, we recommend you rename the original file and the fixed executable after applying the patch.
Below is a graphical tutorial:
A fresh MW3 installation
 Zipper files added
 Zipper created a new file
 Renaming Original
 Renaming Fixed
A fresh MW3PM installation
 Zipper files added
 Zipper created a new file
 Renaming Original
 Renaming Fixed




dgVooDoo2 emulates the old graphics format of Direct3D and 3Dfx allowing older games to use modern DirectX graphics cards.
It works with both MechWarrior3 and Pirate's Moon installations

Note: we recommend using dgVooDoo v2.79 or v2.63

Folder structure of dgVD2
 We need these files
 And these files from
 Place files in MW3\
 Or place in MW3:PM\

It is recommended to run dgVooDoo2 executable at least once.

dgVooDoo2 Main menu
 DirectX page
 Please note √ Watermark (bottom right)
 Unlocking the Secret tabs

There are plenty of options to toy with inside dgVooDoo2 to make a lot of experience improvements.
You can carefully adjust it to your own specifications based on your monitor resolution and hardware.
But it is safe to say that even with the default selected options it will improve preformance and stability.



Before applying a weapons mod, it is recommended that you have a copy of your vanilla games.
Note: you can copy the whole game folder to create a backup

A example of an insane person:



Freako's Mods

AncientxFreako makes the most up to date mod for both MW3 and MW3:PM
He continues development to this day and enjoys incremental changes and fixes to his weapons mods as well as creating stand alone creations.

MechWarrior 3 - Weapons Mod
  Last known release: 'v2.48.32'
MechWarrior3 Pirate's Moon - Weapons Mod
  Last known release: 'v1.3'


MechWarrior 3 - Weapons Mod

Run the Mech3WeaponsModV2.48.32.exe

 Accept the terms and conditions
  Hold up!

I want to you look carefully at the next image.
The installation location is underlined, it is not the directory that you have chosen.
If you select C:\MicroProse as the destination, the installer will install to C:\MicroProse\MechWarrior3
So select the folder above your MW3 installation folder.

E.G. if you have C:\Games\MechWarrior3 as your installation. Select C:\Games.
Note: If you have a installation folder name, that is not named MechWarrior3 you will have to double check and move the files manually.

Let us continue.


You have now successfully installed Freako's Weapons Mod V2.48.32
Go enjoy it!


MechWarrior3 Pirate's Moon - Weapons Mod

Run the PMweaponsmodV1.3.exe

 Accept the terms and conditions
  Hold up!

I want to you look carefully at the next image.
The installation location is underlined, it is not the directory that you have chosen.
If you select C:\MicroProse as the destination, the installer will install to C:\MicroProse\MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon
So select the folder above your MW3 installation folder.

E.G. if you have C:\Games\MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon as your installation. Select C:\Games.
Note: If you have a installation folder name, that is not named MechWarrior 3 Pirate's Moon you will have to double check and move files manually.

Let us continue.


You have now successfully installed Freako's Pirate's Moon Weapons Mod V1.3
Go Heavy laser, or don't leave the MechLab.


Last updated 20-03-2023

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