File: XTree:\About This Site Bottom_of_page

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    ¿Who is Eledore?


   Why this website

Having worked on UnMechUpdater and no longer being able to hide behind the oldish archaic technology called FTP, i had to pick another transfer medium.
HTTP is as ancient as FTP, but at least there are tools around today that still work. Nix: Curl, Wget. Windows: Bitsadmin, Powershell, Curl.
Therefor i needed a website. Something simple, not something heavy. Because in all my history of running websites, When i lose interest i tend to lose the website.
So i needed something simply to sit besides the UnMech game-server. I found HFS.exe and in the beginning it did it's job perfectly.
Since then, as it has proven to be a nice proof of concept. We have moved to a proper dedicated website.

But not wanting to have only a few zip files sit accessible to the public. I decided to write some old school HTML pages.
In-case someone was daring enough to look at my webhost.

   What is this site:

This site is dedicated to UnMech3, it's distribution and anything else associated with the 'MechWarrior3 Community Discord'.
And that is about it. It is filled with sparse information. That i hope people will find helpful.

Last updated 15-06-2024

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